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DePuy ASR Class Action Lawsuit | Get the Right Lawyer

Have you or a loved one been injured by a DePuy ASR™ hip replacement device and interested in filing a class action lawsuit against the manufacturers?
Awards & recognition
C.L. Mike Schmidt Published by C.L. Mike Schmidt

Have you or a loved one been injured by a DePuy ASR™ hip replacement device and interested in filing a class action lawsuit against the manufacturers?

If so, we can help. Although we are a nationally recognized class action firm, the Products Liability Litigation Group at our law firm has decided against the filing of a class action suit and is currently filing individual claims on behalf of injured individuals and/or their family members that have suffered from a defective artificial hip implant.

About Class Action Lawsuits

A class action is a type of lawsuit filed with the court on behalf of large group of people or “class” of individuals that have been injured or wronged. The class is represented by the law firm and the case is generally decided upon a single member of the class who is sometimes referred to as the “class representative or class rep.”

Why Our Law Firm Is Filing Individual Lawsuits Opposed To a Class Action

In some instances, a class action may offer some advantages, as they aggregate a large number of individualized claims into one representational lawsuit. The aggregation can increase the efficiency of the legal process, lower the costs of litigation and in some cases offer the solution to a common problem wherein small recoveries do not provide the incentive for any individual or law firm to file an individual lawsuit.

However, a class action suit can also be a detriment to many class members, as they are often forced into a blanket “low ball settlement” and higher attorney fees.

At Schmidt & Clark, LLP we understand that our clients are suffering emotionally and economically due to loss of wages and/or high medical bills and we plan to maximize each clients recovery by filing individual DePuy hip recall lawsuits on their behalf.

DePuy Hip Update 1/23/13: Newly disclosed court documents have revealed that a 2011 internal investigation conducted by Johnson & Johnson on its much-troubled DePuy ASR hip implant estimated that the device would fail within five years in nearly 40% of recipients. For reasons still unclear, the company failed to make this information public while simultaneously downplaying the potential health complications associated with its metal-on-metal hip.

Related Articles:


1. Who Is Eligible to Join the Depuy Asr Class Action?

Individuals who received a DePuy ASR Hip Replacement and experienced complications, such as device failure or metal poisoning, may be eligible to join the class action lawsuit.

2. What Compensation Can Participants in the Depuy Asr Class Action Expect?

Participants may receive compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and punitive damages, depending on the case specifics and the extent of injuries sustained.

3. How Do I Join the Depuy Asr Class Action Lawsuit?

To join, consult with a specialized attorney, provide medical records, document complications, and follow legal procedures to become part of the class action litigation.

Do I Have a Defective Hip Recall Lawsuit?

The Products Liability Litigation Group at our law firm is an experienced team of trial lawyers that focus exclusively on the representation of plaintiffs in DePuy hip implant lawsuits. We are handling individual litigation nationwide and currently accepting new cases in all 50 states.

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