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How Do You Get Points on Your Driving Record?
Driving record points are usually the result of traffic violations. The exact number of points assessed per violation varies by state, and accumulating too many points within a given time-frame can lead to higher insurance premiums, license suspension, and other consequences.
A general overview of how points are assessed includes:
- Speeding Tickets - Speeding violations typically result in points being added to your driving record. The number of points varies based on how many miles per hour you broke the speed limit.
- Reckless Driving - Involves willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others, and usually results in a significant number of points being added to your driving record.
- Running Red Lights or Stop Signs - Disregarding traffic signals and signs can lead to points being added to your record.
- Driving Under the Influence (DUI) - DUI convictions usually end in a substantial number of points, and they often carry severe additional consequences such as license suspension.
- At-Fault Accidents - Causing a traffic accident may result in points added to your driver's license, especially if the accident involves serious violations or injuries.
- Driving Without a License or Insurance - Driving a car without a valid license or insurance may lead to points.
- Other Moving Violations - Any number of other moving violations, such as improper lane changes, following too closely, or being on your phone while driving, can cause points to be added to your driving record.
Also Read: Easy Ways to Check License Points in Colorado
Colorado License Points for Traffic Violations
Violation | Points |
Speeding: 5-9 MPH over | 1 |
Speeding: 10-19 MPH over | 4 |
Speeding: 20-39 MPH over | 6 |
Speeding: 40+ MPH over | 12 |
Not wearing a seat belt | 2 |
Improper passing | 4 |
Failure to yield the right of way | 3 |
Running a stoplight or sign | 4 |
Careless driving | 4 |
Failure to show proof of insurance | 4 |
Reckless driving | 8 |
"Speeding Contest" | 12 |
DUI (Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol) | 12 |
Evading an officer | 12 |
Fleeing the scene of an accident | 12 |
Also Read: Driving Without a License in Colorado
1. What Is the Point Reduction Process For a Colorado Driver's License in 2024?
The point reduction process for a Colorado driver's license in 2024 includes completing a defensive driving course approved by the state. This can remove up to three points from your record.
2. How Long Do Points From Traffic Violations Stay on My Colorado Driver's License?
Points from traffic violations stay on your Colorado driver's license for 24 months. However, taking a defensive driving course can help reduce points sooner.
3. Can I Take a Defensive Driving Course Online to Remove Points From My Colorado License?
Yes, you can take a defensive driving course online to remove points from your Colorado license. Colorado allows drivers to take state-approved online defensive driving courses to remove up to three points from their license.
4. What Are the Benefits of Reducing Points on My Colorado Driver's License?
The benefits of reducing points on your Colorado driver's license include lowering insurance premiums, avoiding license suspension, and improving your driving record.
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