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Can I Drive on Adderall?
Legal Limits, DUI Risks & Penalties in 2024

Just like alcohol, the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug Adderall may affect your ability to drive a vehicle safely. For this reason, law enforcement considers driving under the influence of Adderall a DUI, which you can be prosecuted for.
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C.L. Mike Schmidt Published by C.L. Mike Schmidt

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What is Adderall?

Adderall is a combination drug composed of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which are used to treat narcolepsy and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The medication improves focus and reduces impulsivity by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. Adderall was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in November 2002.

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The maximum daily dose of Adderall is 40 mg/day for adults and 30 mg/day for children. The maximum daily dose of Adderall XR is 40 mg/day for adults and 30 mg/day for children.

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Can You Take Adderall While Driving?

Studies have found that patients with clinically diagnosed ADHD can drive on Adderall and that it has the potential to improve the safety of their experience. Around 38% of men and 42% of women with ADHD experience a lower risk of motor vehicle crashes when taking Adderall.

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Can You Get a DUI on Adderall?

Adderall is a legal drug and you can drive while using it if it has been prescribed, but it is often abused due to its incredibly addictive qualities. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has classed Adderall as a Schedule II narcotic.

Many people do not realize that driving under any form of influence can result in arrest and conviction. It does not matter whether the prescription medications you have been using are legal - if you take Adderall and drive, you risk being arrested for DUI.

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How Do Police Officers Test for Prescription Drugs?

Because police officers do not have a mobile device that can easily measure the presence of Adderall or other prescription drugs in a driver's system, as they do with alcohol, law enforcement agencies rely on Drug Recognition Expert ("DRE") officers to perform field tests in order to determine whether a driver is under the influence. DRE officers have received additional training in recognizing drug impairment in suspect drivers.

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What is the Penalty for an Adderall DUI?

All DUI charges, including those related to Adderall and other prescription medications, are handled seriously by the court system. You may face a number of serious penalties if you are accused of driving under the influence of drugs, or DUID. A first-time conviction for a prescription drug-related DUID could lead to:

You should know that DUIDs are priorable offenses, which means that a conviction stays on your driving record for a lengthy period of time. You face increased penalties if you are arrested again while a DUID is present on your record.

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What are the side effects of Adderall that could affect driving?

Side effects include dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, and blurred vision. These can impair your ability to concentrate and react quickly while driving.

How can I determine if I am safe to drive while on Adderall?

Monitor how you feel and whether you experience any side effects. If you feel dizzy, overly stimulated, or unable to focus, it is best to avoid driving.

What should I do if I am pulled over while driving on Adderall?

Inform the officer that you are taking a prescribed medication and provide your prescription if asked. Be honest about how the medication affects you and follow the officer’s instructions.

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