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If you’ve been involved in a car accident, your insurance company can cover the medical expenses and other damages you encounter.
But, what happens if you or the other driver don’t have insurance? Then Personal Injury Protection (PIP) can be a lifesaver.
Schmidt & Clark lawyers have two decades of experience dealing with car accident claims and insurance companies. We’ll use our expertise in dealing with Personal Injury Protection to explain everything you should know about this insurance.
Summary of the Key Findings
- Depending on the state, PIP insurance can be a voluntary or an obligatory add-on to auto insurance.
- PIP is obligatory in 22 US states.
- The insurance company can offer you different levels of PIP coverage, and you can decide how much PIP insurance you want.
What is Personal Injury Protection?
Personal Injury Protection is a part of a car insurance plan that helps cover medical expenses when involved in a car crash.
PIP can cover the medical bill for both the policyholder and the passengers.
“Personal injury protection (PIP), also known as “no-fault insurance,” is a component of an automobile insurance plan that covers the healthcare expenses associated with a car accident. PIP covers medical expenses for both injured policyholders and passengers, even if some don’t have health insurance.” Investopedia
PIP includes medical payment coverage when medical bills are higher than the car insurance policy limits.
Also, car insurance policies have a per-person maximum. This means that the insurance limits how many people injured in an auto accident can be a part of the insurance coverage.
PIP includes medical payment coverage when you’re the passenger in another person’s car, or a car hits you while you’re walking or cycling. PIP is specifically used for car-related injuries, which auto insurance doesn’t include for whatever reason.
22 US states require that you have PIP as a policy add-on, while it’s optional in other states. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), many US states passed legislation in the 1970s to include no-fault insurance [1]. The goal of this was to simplify the process of finding out which driver is responsible.
Nowadays, PIP insurance is mostly available in no-fault states, so people with PIP insurance can have adequate coverage even if the other driver doesn’t have auto insurance.
States that have PIP coverage have minimum Personal Injury Protection coverage requirements. These are useful when the minimum coverage can’t cover all medical expenses.
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What PIP Covers
What Personal Injury Protection covers depends on what you pay for. Your PIP coverage will depend on the type of coverage you want, how old you are, the make, and the car model you have.
PIP coverage also varies from state to state, but you can expect PIP insurance to cover:
- Medical costs — If medical and surgical treatment bills and medical supplies exceed the limit of your insurance, PIP auto insurance can help pay the difference for you and others listed on your health insurance policy.
- Lost wages — If you can’t go to work while you recover, PIP coverage can cover lost income.
- Rehab — If you need physical rehabilitation, PIP coverage can also include this, as well as ambulance and nursing services and prosthetic devices.
- Household services — If you need help taking care of your home or are a parent who needs help with childcare.
- Funeral expenses and death benefit — PIP can pay for funeral costs if an accident results in death. It can also pay for the death benefit for the family.
What PIP Doesn’t Cover
No-fault insurance doesn’t cover:
- Vehicle damages
- Vehicle theft
- Damage to other people’s property
How to File a PIP Claim
A PIP claim is filed the same as any other kind of claim. You can do it either online or by phone. If you were the driver in the accident, you should file PIP through your insurance provider. If you were the passenger, you should file with the driver’s insurance, regardless of who’s at fault.
Note: Some states have time limits on filing a PIP claim.
For example, in New York, medical bills have to be submitted 45 days after receiving treatment.
In New Jersey, all medical PIP claims within 10 days after the accident have to be approved by the insurer. If you don’t know the rules in your state, you should consult a personal injury lawyer.
When you file PIP, it’ll help cover urgent medical expenses in most cases. For other claims that aren’t urgent, you’ll have to review the treatment plan with a medical expert that your insurance company chooses.
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What's the difference between PIP and full coverage?
PIP (Personal Injury Protection) specifically covers medical expenses and other related costs for you and your passengers after an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Full coverage, on the other hand, generally refers to a combination of different insurance types—usually including liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage—that protect against a variety of risks, including damage to your vehicle and other people's property, but does not necessarily include PIP.
Does PIP coverage apply if I’m at fault in an accident?
Yes, PIP coverage applies regardless of who is at fault in an accident. This is why it's often referred to as "no-fault" insurance. It ensures that medical and other related costs are covered without the need to determine fault first.
Can I still sue another driver if I have PIP coverage?
In some states, you may be able to sue another driver for additional compensation if your injuries exceed a certain severity threshold or if your damages surpass your PIP coverage limits. The ability to sue depends on state laws and the specifics of the accident.
Do You Need PIP?
PIP insurance covers costs related to an automobile accident. Most importantly, PIP will cover medical bills that exceed your auto insurance limit, so you don’t have to pay them yourself. You can contact your insurance company or a personal injury attorney to check PIP insurance requirements and policy limits in your state.
PIP can be a lifesaver if an uninsured driver hits you, so you should get as much PIP coverage as possible. Contact Schmidt & Clark, LLP lawyers for a free consultation, and start the process of acquiring your PIP coverage today.