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When was Paraquat Restricted in the United States?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) categorized paraquat as a “restricted use” pesticide in 1978. Restricted use of pesticides must be used by or under the direct supervision of a certified applicator, as the chemicals have the potential to cause unreasonable adverse effects to the environment and injury to applicators or bystanders without added restrictions.
Where is Paraquat Banned?
In 2007, the European Union banned the use of paraquat following the results of a study that linked the weed killer to an increased risk for Parkinson’s disease and overall toxicity to humans. Switzerland banned the use of Paraquat in 1989. At least 24 other countries have banned or severely restricted the use of Paraquat due to concerns about its effect on the environment and people’s health.
What Makes a Pesticide Restricted Use?
Restricted-use pesticides may only be purchased and/or used by certified pesticide applicators who undergo training, testing, and education. Restricted-use products must include a warning on the product labeling which says, “Restricted Use Pesticide.”
What Crops Is Paraquat Used On?
American farmers and agricultural workers have been using paraquat to control invasive weeds and grasses since the early 1960s. Applicators spray it on commercial crops including corn, soy, and cotton.
How is Paraquat Applied?
Paraquat is also often referred to as Gramoxone (a popular end-use product) and is used to control weeds in many agricultural and non-agricultural settings. It is also used for the desiccation of crops before harvest. Paraquat is sold in concentrated form and is mixed with water and sprayed on crops.
What Does the EPA Say About Paraquat?
in 2019, the U.S. EPA stated that there is “insufficient evidence” to link Paraquat to human health concerns. Following an extensive review, the agency noted in 2020 “there is insufficient evidence to link registered paraquat products to any of the health outcomes investigated, including Parkinson’s Disease, when used according to the label.” This conclusion is strongly disputed by significant scientific evidence.
Is Paraquat the Same as Roundup?
No. Roundup contains the active ingredient glyphosate, which has been linked to an increased risk for cancers such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other serious side effects. Paraquat is a completely different herbicide that has been linked to Parkinson’s disease and many other serious health risks.
What is the current status of Paraquat use in the United States?
Paraquat is still legally used in the U.S., but it is classified as a restricted-use pesticide, requiring special training and certification for applicators to mitigate risks.
Which countries have banned Paraquat, and why?
Countries like the European Union, China, and Brazil have banned Paraquat due to its high toxicity and significant health risks. These bans aim to protect public health and the environment.
What alternatives to Paraquat are available for weed control?
Safer alternatives include organic herbicides, mechanical weeding, crop rotation, and integrated pest management techniques. These methods reduce reliance on toxic chemicals.
What are the economic implications of banning Paraquat in the U.S.?
Banning Paraquat could lead to initial costs for farmers transitioning to alternative methods. However, it could also reduce healthcare costs and environmental damage in the long term.
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Paraquat is a dangerous herbicide that’s available under several brands and manufactured by many corporations in the US.
If you or your loved one have been exposed to paraquat, you should file a paraquat lawsuit today.
Schmidt & Clark, LLP lawyers have experience dealing with lawsuits against large organizations. We can help you get the damages you deserve and have an easier life after paraquat exposure.
Contact us today for a free consultation.