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Flu Shot & Vaccine Lawsuit | Get the Right Lawyer

If you were injured after receiving a flu shot / influenza vaccine, rotavirus vaccine or other vaccination, you should contact our law firm immediately.
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C.L. Mike Schmidt Published by C.L. Mike Schmidt

Have you been Injured by a Flu Shot or Vaccination?

Vaccines are commonly thought of as safe, beneficial, and not at all risky.  However, vaccines and flu shots – like any drug – can can cause serious injuries. Vaccines work by changing an individual’s natural defense system to protect them from potentially deadly diseases. The question then becomes whether the person feels that the benefits of avoiding a potentially deadly disease are outweighed by the risk of suffering a serious injury.

Free Confidential Lawsuit Evaluation: If you were injured after receiving a flu shot / influenza vaccine, rotavirus vaccine or other vaccination, you should contact our law firm immediately. You may be entitled to compensation by filing a suit and our lawyers can help.

Flu Shots & Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare condition in which the body’s own immune system attacks its nerves. Researchers who studied vaccine reaction rates found that “GBS is more strongly associated with vaccination for influenza” than for any other vaccine. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) [1] lists Guillain Barré as the most frequent neurological condition reported after getting the flu shot.

GBS Symptoms

According to the Mayo Clinic [2], signs and symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome may include:

  • Prickling, “pins and needles” sensations in the fingers, toes, ankles or wrists
  • Weakness in the legs that spreads to the upper body
  • Unsteady walking or inability to walk or climb stairs
  • Difficulty with eye or facial movements
  • Severe pain that may feel achy or cramp-like
  • Difficulty with bladder control or bowel function
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Low or high blood pressure
  • Difficulty breathing

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Shoulder pain is another common vaccine side effect. However, in some patients, the pain lasts long after the injection. In these cases, known as Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA), vaccination can lead to intense and prolonged pain, limited range of motion and other shoulder-related injuries. Shoulder tendonitis, shoulder bursitis and adhesive capsulitis have also been reported in patients who have received flu shots or influenza vaccines.

Rotavirus Vaccine & Intussusception

Health experts recommend that all children get the rotavirus vaccine to prevent gastroenteritis, a disease that causes dehydration and vomiting. However, in rare cases, patients who receive this vaccination have developed intussusception, a severe condition in which part of the intestine slides into an adjacent part of the intestine. This blocks fluid and food from passing through, and cuts off blood supply to the part of the affected portion of the intestine.

Vaccine Mandates and Pharma Liability

In February 2011, the supreme court shielded drug companies from all liability for injuries caused by vaccines mandated by the U.S. government. As a result, drug companies that sell vaccines cannot be held accountable in a court of law…unless we stand up and draw the line on vaccine mandates. To stand up for your right to know and freedom to choose which vaccines that you consider necessary, join the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) [3], the largest, oldest and most experienced vaccine safety watchdog in America.

How do I know if I’ve had an adverse reaction to a vaccine?

After you or your child are vaccinated, look for any unusual conditions, such as:

  • serious allergic reaction
  • high fever
  • behavioral changes
  • difficulty breathing
  • hoarseness or wheezing
  • hives
  • paleness
  • weakness
  • rapid heart beat or dizziness
  • swelling of the throat

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a “no-fault” alternative to the tort system for resolving vaccine injury claims. Under the Act, persons with claims of vaccine-related injuries or deaths resulting from covered vaccines must first exhaust their remedies under the VICP before they can pursue legal actions against vaccine administrators.

How long do I have to file a claim?

To bring a case for a vaccine-related injury, the current statute of limitations requires that your claim must be filed within three years from the date of onset of symptoms. In the event of a vaccine-related death, a claim must be filed no later than two years from the date of death. While most states have “tolling provisions” that extend the state statutes of limitations for certain individuals, the VICP has no such provisions.


1. What Are the Legal Grounds for Filing a Flu Shot or Vaccine Lawsuit?

The legal grounds for filing a flu shot or vaccine lawsuit include severe adverse reactions, improper administration, or failure to warn about potential side effects associated with the flu shot or vaccine.

2. Is There a Time Limit to File a Flu Shot or Vaccine Lawsuit?

Yes, there is a time limit to file a flu shot or vaccine lawsuit, known as the statute of limitations, which varies by state and case type, typically ranging from one to three years.

3. Can I Sue for a Flu Shot Injury if the Vaccine Was Required by My Employer?

Yes, you may still be able to sue for a flu shot injury even if the vaccine was mandated by your employer, depending on the circumstances.

Do I have a Vaccine / Flu Shot Lawsuit?

The Defective Drug & Products Liability Litigation Group at our law firm is an experienced team of trial lawyers that focus on the representation of plaintiffs in vaccine & flu shot injury lawsuits. We are handling individual litigation nationwide and currently accepting new cases in all 50 states.

Free Confidential Case Evaluation: If you or a loved one developed influenza or Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) after receiving a flu shot or other vaccine, you should contact our law firm immediately. You may be entitled to compensation by filing a suit and our lawyers can help.

Free Confidential Case Evaluation

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