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How Drowning Accidents Happen: 10 Causes to Watch Out For

Drowning accidents typically occur when individuals are unable to keep their airways above water due to exhaustion, lack of swimming ability, or becoming trapped or entangled. Environmental factors such as strong currents, sudden weather changes, or inadequate supervision can also contribute. In some cases, medical emergencies or alcohol/drug impairment play a significant role.
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Collen Clark Published by Collen Clark

10 Causes of Drowning Accidents

Drowning accidents are a major concern near water bodies, including lakes, rivers, swimming pools, and the ocean [1]. With warm weather most of the year, water-based recreational activities are popular, increasing the risk of drowning.

Leading Causes of Drowning Accidents:
Lack of Supervision

The main cause of drowning accidents in the U.S. is inadequate supervision, particularly for children and weak swimmers. Children are at the highest risk of drowning accidents, and close attention must be paid when they are near any body of water, such as swimming pools or bathtubs. Drowning can happen quickly and silently; delayed rescue or intervention can increase the risk of injuries and fatalities.

Poor Swimming Skills

Inexperienced swimmers should exercise caution near water. Recognizing personal limitations and taking necessary precautions, such as wearing life jackets during boating activities and avoiding strong currents, is essential. Formal swimming lessons can significantly improve skills and help prevent drowning incidents.

Alcohol and Drug Use

Alcohol and drug use impair judgment, coordination, and reaction time, increasing the risk of drowning. The CDC reports that around 70% of adult water recreation deaths involve alcohol, and 1 in 4 emergency department visits for drowning in adults involve alcohol or drugs.

Medical Conditions

Conditions like heart issues, seizures, or asthma can increase drowning risk, especially if they occur in the water. The CDC states that drowning is the most common unintentional injury death for people with seizure disorders, with bathtubs posing the highest risk.

Rip Currents and Hazardous Water Conditions

Powerful currents, sudden changes in water depth, and other hazardous conditions can surprise swimmers, making it difficult to return to shore. Awareness of surroundings and understanding limitations are key to mitigating these risks.

Inadequate Barriers and Fencing

Improper fencing or lack of barriers around pools can lead to accidents, especially for young children who might fall in. Texas law requires pools to have at least a 4-foot non-climbable wall. Property owners are responsible for ensuring these safety measures to prevent accidents.

Fatigue and Exhaustion

Fatigue can affect a swimmer’s ability to stay afloat or swim safely, especially during long-distance swimming. Resting and taking breaks in shaded areas are crucial during swimming activities.


Swimmers can get trapped by pool drains, suction outlets, or underwater structures. Children are particularly at risk. Negligent product manufacturers may be liable for entrapment due to design defects.

Lack of Proper Safety Equipment

The absence of life jackets, flotation devices, and other safety equipment increases the risk of drowning, especially in open water. Both private and public swimming pools must have essential safety equipment, including guardrails, ladders, drain covers, lifebuoys, and long poles.

Boating Accidents

Capsizing, falling overboard, or collisions while boating can lead to drowning. Wearing a life jacket is crucial. In 2021, the U.S. Coast Guard reported 658 boating-related deaths, with 83% of victims not wearing life jackets.
By understanding these leading causes and taking appropriate precautions, we can significantly reduce the risk of drowning accidents.

Drowning Statistics

General Drowning Facts:

  • No one is immune to drowning; it can happen to anyone, regardless of skill or age.
  • Drowning occurs swiftly and silently, often within 20-60 seconds, and may not look like the stereotypical struggle.
  • There is no central database for drowning fatalities; data is collected by entities like the US Centers for Disease Control and estimated by organizations such as the International Lifesaving Federation.
  • Drowning incidents are underreported globally and in the US, with varying standards and interpretations by hospitals, first responders, and coroners.

Worldwide Drowning Statistics:

  • An estimated 320,000 drowning deaths occur annually worldwide.
  • Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death globally, accounting for 7% of all injury-related deaths.
  • Children aged 1-4 have the highest drowning rates, followed by those aged 5-9.
  • Males have twice the overall drowning mortality rate compared to females.

US Drowning Statistics:

  • In the US, 3,500 to 4,000 drownings occur annually, averaging 10 fatal drownings per day.
  • Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1-4.
  • It remains a top 5 cause of unintentional injury-related death for children from birth to 5 years old.
  • 23% of child drownings occur during family gatherings near pools.
  • Drowning is the leading cause of death in most boating accidents.
  • For every fatal drowning, another 5 to 10 nonfatal drowning incidents require hospital care.
  • Infants under one year old are more likely to drown at home.
  • 87% of drowning fatalities in children under 5 occur in home pools or hot tubs, often at family or friends’ homes.
  • Children aged 5 to 17 are more likely to drown in natural bodies of water.

Drowning Risks by Race and Household Income:

  • Swimming skill disparities exist: 64% of African-American, 45% of Hispanic/Latino, and 40% of Caucasian children have few to no swimming skills.
  • Children are less likely to have swimming skills if their parents lack them: 78% of African-American, 62% of Hispanic/Latino, and 67% of Caucasian children.
  • African-American children ages 5-19 drown in pools at rates 5.5 times higher than their Caucasian peers.
  • 79% of children from households with incomes below $50,000 have few-to-no swimming skills.

Source: Stop Drowning Now [2]

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