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Louisiana NEC Baby Formula Lawsuit Attorney

Awards & recognition
C.L. Mike Schmidt Published by C.L. Mike Schmidt

The trust placed in baby formulas, presumed to be a cornerstone of infant nourishment, has been shaken. Revelations tying certain formulas to the harrowing condition of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) have understandably left parents in Louisiana grappling with concerns and seeking recourse.

In this article, we unravel the intricacies of NEC baby formula lawsuits, offering guidance on partnering with a proficient Louisiana baby formula attorney and charting a path toward safeguarding your child’s well-being.

As a leading national plaintiff’s law firm, our unwavering commitment is to champion your cause, ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you and your loved ones merit.

NEC Baby Formula Lawsuits

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious gut condition that exclusively affects infants born prematurely or with low birth weight [1]. It’s a bacterial infection that can lead to life-threatening complications and long-term health issues. Unfortunately, there’s strong evidence linking cow milk-based formulas, such as Enfamil and Similac, to the development of NEC in these vulnerable babies. This has led to a surge in NEC infant formula lawsuits against major manufacturers like Mead Johnson and Abbott Laboratories.

Parents in Louisiana who have experienced the heartbreak of watching their premature child suffer from NEC due to baby formula may be eligible to file a lawsuit against these manufacturers for compensation. Compensation can include medical expenses, lost wages, and future medical costs associated with the condition.

Connecting with experienced baby formula lawyers who specialize in NEC cases and understand Louisiana law is a worthwhile step to ensure the appropriate handling of your case and maximize your chances of success.

Enfamil baby formula, a popular brand of baby formula, has been at the center of numerous NEC lawsuits. Parents and caregivers claim that the company failed to adequately warn them about the risks associated with feeding premature infants their cow milk-based formula. Enfamil’s manufacturer, Mead Johnson, one of the leading baby formula manufacturers, faces legal claims for failing to provide adequate warnings and information about the potential hazards of their fed cow’s milk formulas for premature babies, contributing to an uptick in NEC cases.

Similac, another widely used infant formula, is also involved in NEC lawsuits. Abbott Laboratories, the maker of Similac, is accused of not providing sufficient warnings about the risks of their cow milk-based formula for premature infants. As a result, numerous families have suffered the devastating effects of NEC and are now seeking justice and compensation through legal action.

Enfamil NEC Lawsuits

Enfamil, a leading brand of infant formula, has found itself embroiled in a series of NEC lawsuits. Parents claim that the company failed to properly warn them and medical professionals about the potential dangers of using their cow milk-based formula for premature babies. As a result, countless families have experienced the devastating consequences of NEC, a severe intestinal condition that can lead to lifelong health complications.

Scientific evidence dating back years has linked certain infant formulas, like Enfamil baby formulas, to NEC. These lawsuits allege that the formula manufacturer, Mead Johnson, was aware of the risks associated with their product but failed to adequately inform parents and healthcare providers. Consequently, many premature infants who were fed Enfamil’s cow milk-based formula developed NEC, leading to significant medical expenses and emotional distress for their families.

As the lawsuits continue, Enfamil and its parent company, Mead Johnson, are under scrutiny to respond to allegations of negligence and failure to provide adequate warnings about their formula’s risks. With the help of experienced baby formula lawyers, affected families may be able to secure compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, and the pain and suffering caused by this devastating condition.

If your child has been affected by NEC as a result of being fed Enfamil’s cow milk-based formula, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against Mead Johnson. Guidance through the complex legal process and assistance in seeking justice and compensation can be provided by an experienced baby formula lawyer.

Similac NEC Lawsuits

Similac, another popular brand of infant formula, is also facing legal claims for its alleged role in NEC cases. Parents and caregivers assert that Abbott Laboratories, the maker of Similac, failed to provide adequate warnings about the potential dangers of their formula for premature babies. As a result, numerous infants developed NEC, a serious intestinal condition that can have lifelong health consequences.

There is significant evidence linking Similac’s formula to an increased risk of NEC in premature infants. These lawsuits allege that Abbott Laboratories was aware of these risks but failed to properly inform parents, caregivers, and healthcare providers of the potential dangers associated with their product. Consequently, many premature infants who were fed Similac’s formula developed NEC, leading to substantial medical costs and emotional hardship for their families.

As these lawsuits unfold, the focus is on Similac and its parent company, Abbott Laboratories, to answer for their alleged negligence and failure to provide adequate warnings about the risks of their formula. With the assistance of experienced baby formula lawyers, affected families may be able to obtain compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, and the pain and suffering caused by this devastating condition.

If your child has been affected by NEC as a result of being fed Similac’s formula, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against Abbott Laboratories. An experienced baby formula lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal process and assist you in seeking the justice and compensation you deserve.

Louisiana Statute of Limitations for NEC Lawsuits

In Louisiana, there is a specific statute of limitations that governs the time frame within which you can file an NEC baby formula lawsuit. This law sets a time limit for bringing a lawsuit, and it’s crucial to adhere to this timeline in order to seek compensation for your child’s suffering.

The statute of limitations in Louisiana for NEC lawsuits is one year from the date of injury. However, there is a provision that allows you to file a lawsuit up to three years after the injury was discovered [2]. This is an essential piece of information to keep in mind when considering NEC infant formula lawsuits, as missing the deadline may result in losing your right to seek compensation.

Working with an experienced baby formula lawyer familiar with Louisiana laws and the statute of limitations for NEC lawsuits is paramount to ensure the timely filing of your case. They can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that your case is filed in a timely manner, maximizing your chances of securing the compensation your family deserves.

Finding a Baby Formula Lawyer in Louisiana

A trusted approach is to explore online for Louisiana-based lawyers proficient in NEC cases. Schmidt & Clark, with their vast experience in handling cases related to Enfamil and Similac baby formulas, can be your foremost choice.

To ascertain the credibility and skill of a lawyer, it’s pivotal to delve into their past cases, client reviews, and certifications. Schmidt & Clark’s notable reputation in successfully handling Enfamil and Similac baby formula lawsuits is a testament to their unparalleled expertise. Moreover, reaching out to regional bar associations could also guide you toward seasoned baby formula attorneys, though Schmidt & Clark’s proven track record in this arena is hard to surpass.

After streamlining your choices, scheduling a consultation becomes the next crucial step. With Schmidt & Clark, you can discuss your case intricacies, including:

  • The specifics of your situation
  • Relevant laws and regulations
  • Potential case outcomes
  • Health insights, such as the advantages of human breast milk over formula

Now, addressing some pivotal concerns: Hiring a baby formula lawyer like those at Schmidt & Clark typically operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay only if you win. Louisiana’s statute of limitations necessitates swift action, usually allowing one year from the discovery of the injury. Hence, it’s vital to seek legal advice promptly to remain within this timeframe.


Are there any recalls on baby formulas linked to NEC?
There have been no specific recalls solely due to NEC risks, but certain formulas have faced scrutiny and legal challenges. It is important to stay informed about product safety and consult your healthcare provider.

What should I do if my baby shows signs of NEC?
If your baby shows signs of NEC, seek immediate medical attention. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to improve outcomes and prevent severe complications.

How can an attorney help with my NEC baby formula lawsuit?
An attorney can help gather evidence, navigate legal procedures, negotiate with the defendant, and represent you in court if necessary. They ensure your rights are protected throughout the process.

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Get Your Free Consultation From Baby Formula Lawyers

Navigating the complexities of NEC-related baby formula lawsuits in Louisiana requires understanding and support. Schmidt & Clark offers families a complimentary consultation to help shed light on the situation. During this session, you can discuss your case, learn about the legal landscape, and explore potential courses of action.

With a focus on client welfare, Schmidt & Clark operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning they’re compensated only if they successfully advocate for your family’s claim. As the intricacies of baby formula lawsuits continue to unfold in Louisiana, having knowledgeable legal guidance can be invaluable.

Choosing a law firm like Schmidt & Clark, LLP ensures you have an adept ally to guide you through the labyrinth of legalities, uphold your rights, and passionately pursue the compensation and justice your family rightfully merits.

Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to filing an NEC baby formula lawsuit. Don’t hesitate to schedule your no-obligation case review and free consultation.


  1. Uauy, R. D., Fanaroff, A. A., Korones, S. B., Phillips, E. A., Phillips, J. B., & Wright, L. L. (1991). Necrotizing enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants: biodemographic and clinical correlates. Journal of Pediatrics, 119(4), 630-638.
  2. Louisiana Revised Statutes. Title 9. Civil Code Ancillaries. Code Book III. Of the Different Modes of Acquiring the Ownership of Things. Code Title XX. Of prescription. RS 9:5628.

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