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Just For Me Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Attorney

New medical research has found that chronic exposure to the chemicals in hair straightening products like Just For Me No-Lye Hair Relaxer disrupt the hormone system and lead to an increased risk for uterine cancer.
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C.L. Mike Schmidt Published by C.L. Mike Schmidt
Free Just For Me Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Review
If you or a loved one was diagnosed with uterine cancer, breast cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids after using Just For Me Hair Relaxer, you should contact our law firm immediately. You may be entitled to compensation by filing a Just For Me Hair Relaxer Lawsuit and our products liability lawyers can help.

Please click the button below for a Free Confidential Just For Me Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Evaluation or call our lawyers toll-free 24 hrs/day by dialing (866) 588-0600.

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Update: Illinois Woman Files Cancer Lawsuit Against Makers of Just for Me Hair Relaxer

Timika Smith, an Illinois woman who was diagnosed with endometriosis and uterine cancer in 2017 following nearly 3 decades of Just For Me Hair Relaxer use has filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer in Federal Court in the Northern District of Illinois.

“This action arises out of Timika Smith’s diagnosis of uterine cancer and endometriosis,” the complaint states. “Ms. Smith’s uterine cancer and endometriosis was directly and proximately caused by her regular and prolonged exposure to phthalates and other endocrine disrupting chemicals found in Defendants’ hair care products.”

The complaint names as defendants L’Oréal USA, Inc, L’Oréal USA Products, Inc., Soft SheenCarson LLC., Strength of Nature, LLC, Godrej SON Holdings, Inc., PDC Brands, and Parfums de Coeur, LTD.

The lawsuit is Civil Action 1:22-cv-6047, United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division.

Related Article: Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuit Update

Groundbreaking new research has been published revealing that chronic exposure to chemicals in hair relaxer products can increase the risk of uterine cancer.

The study was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute [1] in October 2022, and was the first to establish a link between hair relaxers and female reproductive cancers. The researchers looked at the 10-year incidence rate of cancer among women who regularly used hair relaxers and hair straighteners vs. women who never used the products.

Results of the study indicated that women who used hair relaxers were more than twice as likely to develop uterine cancer. More significantly, the highest rate for the disease was among the participants who used hair relaxers the most often. This conclusion suggested a direct correlation between exposure to hair relaxers and uterine cancer.

Woman Claims Hair Straightener Caused Uterine Cancer, Sues L’Oreal

Jennifer Mitchell, a 32-year-old woman from Missouri, has filed a product liability lawsuit against L’Oréal and 4 other cosmetic manufacturers [2], alleging that her uterine cancer was “directly and proximately” caused by chemicals found in their hair relaxer products.

Mitchell claims she first started using chemical hair-straightening products in 2000 when she was in the third grade. Nearly two decades later, Mitchell was diagnosed with uterine cancer, despite having no family history of the disease. She said she was forced to undergo a total hysterectomy to remove her uterus a month after she was diagnosed.

“Not being able to carry my own children has been the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to deal with,” Mitchell said. “This is a dream of mine that I’ve always wanted.”

Related Article: Hair Straightener Cancer Lawsuit Info

What are Hair Relaxers Used For?

Hair relaxers, also commonly referred to as hair straighteners, have been around for more than a century and are most often used by black women to force their hair to lay flat and make it more manageable. Hair relaxers achieve this result by using strong toxic chemicals that break down the protein structure of the hair.

What are Phthalates?

Hair relaxers contain phthalates, which are “plasticizer” chemicals that are used to add durability and other properties to certain types of pliable plastics. Phthalates are classified as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (“EDCs”) because they significantly disrupt or impact the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones inside the body.

DEHPs in Hair Chemicals

A phthalate chemical known as Di-2-ethyl hexyl phthalate (“DEHP”) is found in almost all hair relaxers and hair straighteners. DEHP is synthetically produced and biologically toxic. The chemical is a probable human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) and chronic exposure to DEHP has been linked to severe health problems such as reproductive dysfunction and developmental abnormalities.

What is Just For Me Hair Relaxer?

Soft & Beautiful Just For Me Relaxer contains moisturizing products that reduce hair breakage and provide a foundation for hair growth. The product contains coconut milk, Shea butter, vitamin E, sunflower oil, and other ingredients.


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What Can I Use Instead of a Hair Relaxer?

Instead of chemical hair relaxers or straighteners, you can try different combinations of the tricks listed below to achieve the look you want:

  • Blow dry with cold air
  • Wrap your hair
  • Roll with plastic rollers
  • Sleep with your hair wet
  • Try a hair mask
  • Apply essential oils

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How can individuals prove that Just for Me Hair Relaxer caused their health issues?

To prove causation, plaintiffs typically need to present medical records documenting their health issues, evidence of product use, and expert testimony linking the hair relaxer to their conditions.

What steps should I take if I suspect health issues related to Just for Me Hair Relaxer?

Seek immediate medical evaluation if you suspect health issues related to hair relaxer use, document your symptoms and diagnosis, gather evidence of product use, and consult with an attorney experienced in product liability and personal injury cases.

How can an attorney help with a Just for Me Hair Relaxer Lawsuit?

An attorney can help by evaluating your case, gathering necessary evidence, representing you in negotiations with the manufacturer and insurers, and litigating the case in court if a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached.

Get a Free Just For Me Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Evaluation With Our Lawyers

The Products Liability Litigation Group at Schmidt & Clark, LLP law firm is an experienced team of trial lawyers that focus on the representation of plaintiffs in Just For Me Hair Relaxer Lawsuits. We are handling individual litigation nationwide and currently accepting new cases in all 50 states.

Again, if you or a loved one was diagnosed with uterine cancer, breast cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids after using Just For Me Hair Relaxer, you should contact our law firm immediately. You may be entitled to compensation by filing a Just For Me Hair Relaxer Lawsuit and our products liability lawyers can help.

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