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How Can I Reduce My PFAS? Steps to Minimize Your Exposure

Toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS “forever chemicals,” are found in everything from cosmetics to outdoor gear, non-stick pans, food wrappers, and even your drinking water. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to reduce your exposure to PFAS.
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C.L. Mike Schmidt Published by C.L. Mike Schmidt
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How Am I Exposed to PFAS?

Thousands of drinking water sources across the United States are known to be contaminated with PFAS, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG). This tracking map [1] shows where PFAS contaminates drinking water sources in the U.S.; however, the extent might be far greater.

Researchers now believe that PFAS are likely detectable in all major water supplies across the country. While many sources have not yet been tested, concern and awareness about the dangers of PFAS chemicals are growing.

In addition to contaminating drinking water, many everyday products that line our store shelves contain PFAS or are packaged in materials that contain PFAS, such as:

  • Non-stick cookware
  • Paper and cardboard food wrappers for fast food and bakery goods
  • Fabric treatments for furniture and carpets, such as Stainmaster and Scotchgard
  • Clothes that are water or stain-repellent, such as Gore-Tex boots and coats
  • Cosmetics and personal care products

Related Article: PFAS Exposure Lawsuit Update

How Can I Reduce My Exposure to PFAS?

Although it’s virtually impossible to completely eliminate PFAS from your environment, you can take steps to minimize it. First, find out if your drinking water has been tainted with the substances.

If your water comes from the public water supply, determine if it’s been tested for PFAS by looking at the EWG map above. If your drinking water comes from a private well, you will need to test it personally, ideally with a state-certified lab that uses methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Because many PFAS accumulate in household dust, be sure to vacuum your rugs often, mop your floors, and wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth regularly. Avoid buying stain-resistant furniture and carpets. If you use non-stick pans, replace them with cast iron or stainless steel cookware. Buy clothing brands that do not use PFAS as part of their materials.

Avoid fast food and look for restaurants that take steps to reduce PFAS exposure. Do not heat food in containers that contain water and oil-resistant coatings (i.e. microwave popcorn).

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How can I test my drinking water for PFAS?

You can test your drinking water by using a certified laboratory that conducts PFAS testing. Home test kits are also available, but professional testing is recommended for accurate results.

What steps can I take to reduce PFAS exposure from drinking water?

Using a water filtration system that is certified to remove PFAS, such as reverse osmosis or activated carbon filters, can significantly reduce exposure. Additionally, using bottled water from a reliable source can help.

Are there any regulations in place to limit PFAS exposure?

Yes, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other regulatory bodies have set guidelines and limits for PFAS in drinking water and industrial emissions. However, regulations vary by state and country.

What are some alternatives to products containing PFAS?

Alternatives include stainless steel or cast iron cookware, PFAS-free stain-resistant fabrics, and natural cleaning products. Look for products labeled as PFAS-free or made from alternative materials.

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If you or a loved one was injured by PFAS contamination, you should contact our law firm immediately for a free case evaluation. You may be entitled to a settlement by filing a suit and we can help.

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